Reference Commission’s Advt. No. 1/2010 Category No. 02 dated 12.03.2010, read with corrigendum dated 06.04.2010, 15.07.2011 and 13.12.2011, which published in the various newspapers for recruitment to the 165 posts of Pharmacist for Health Department/ESI Health Care against
Advt. No. 1/2010, Cat. No. 02.
Keeping in view the large number of applications and as per condition of advertisement, the Commission has decided to shortlist the candidates in the respective category for interview on the basis of advertised qualification i.e. Pharmacist course diploma from the medical college, Rohtak or any other recognized institutions recognized by the Haryana Govt. with training in injections, dressing and ward work in a recognized hospital. The minimum cut off percentage for each Category is given below: -
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Notice to the Short Listed Candidates for interview for the posts of Pharmacist, Health Department/ESI Health Care against Advt.No.1/2010 Cat.No.02Complete Guide