Class X Exam Results 2012 - Announced on 11 th June 2012 ...
7606 Constables in Bihar Police (June-2012)
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts of Constables in Bihar Police. Brief details of the advertisement are as follows:
Constables: 7606 posts in various districts of Bihar
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-
Qualification: 10th pass
Age: 18-23 years as on 01/01/2012 (Relaxation in age limit as per Bihar Govt. rules)
Application Form: Application form can be had from the posts offices in all the districts of Bihar at the cost of Rs. 200/- in the SKY colour and for Rs.75/- in ORANGE colour for SC/ST etc. up to 10/07/2012 only.
How to Apply: The candidates are required to apply in the prescribed format and send the application to the following address on or before 10/07/2012:
Secretary, Central Selection Board (Constable Recruitment), Back Hardinge Road, Patna-800001.